Resources for Parents & Carers

New Resources

Being in lockdown and transitioning from lockdown with our children at home can be tough to manage. New rituals, new boundaries and having to manage our own emotions and theirs at the same time.

To help, we’ve created a guide to parenting teenagers.


Additional Resources

Being isolated in lockdown and having big changes to our normal lives is likely to cause make everyone feel anxious, worried and scared. This is normal, and there are things that we all can do to make this time as manageable as possible.

We at Khulisa have put together some resources to help professionals, parents and everyone manage their wellbeing during this difficult time.

  1. Managing Isolation in Lockdown Resources – We’ve created a 10 Step Guide and a list of online resources for anyone who needs support in managing isolation at the moment.
  2. Parent’s Guides to Support During the Coronavirus Pandemic – We have put together the following guides to support parents in managing their own wellbeing as well as that of their families during the coronavirus pandemic.
  3. Tips & Techniques for Managing Anxiety in a Pandemic – This blog post compiles some of our best advice to help in managing anxiety including exercises we use ourselves plus some useful links to resources too.
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