Khulisa are committed to helping young people to thrive, and to support the adults around them.
Our Values
We believe that a core part of our mission involves promoting the values we hold close.
We deliver intensive, therapeutic group programmes for young people to explore the root causes of their emotional distress. We also train professionals, parents and carers in how to create nurturing, trauma-informed environments for young people. We place wellbeing at the heart of supporting young people, and provide intensive therapeutic support to help them build self-awareness and emotional resilience.
Our Values are to
- by restoring empathy, self-belief and self-worth
- by believing all people can grow
- by enabling people to have an equal voice and building trust and aspiration
- by enabling confidence, self-belief and ownership
Diversity, Equality, Inclusion, and Belonging
Khulisa has a strong commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and we’ve added ‘belonging’ too. In 2022 we commissioned Unlrn (check out their great Reading List here!), to analyse our progress around DEI and offer recommendations for improvement, which are now being implemented at a policy, recruitment and practice level. All staff take part in DEI training annually and we have an established DEI Committee, facilitated by external provider, a DEI audit of current practice, and development and embedding of empathy circles. In leadership and governance, we have reviewed the diversity of our board and strengthened representation: In December 2023, three new trustees were recruited, with specific life experiences shared with the young people we work with and specialisms in critical areas of development such as treasury.. Our team are now;
- 62% of the board is female
- 50% of the board is from the Global Majority
- Over 75% of our team have lived experience of adverse childhood experiences
- 49% of our team are from the Global Majority