Why We Exist

We exist to ensure young people affected by trauma or adversity have the social skills and emotional support they need to thrive.

Experiencing trauma can hamper growth and development, leading to emotional distress and behavioural difficulties in children and young people.

The more trauma a child is exposed to the worse their physical and mental health outcomes are likely to be. Without the right support their negative experiences can continue to disadvantage young people throughout their lives, often resulting in their exclusion from school and potential involvement in crime and violence.

We exist to support excluded or marginalised young people whose behaviour is deemed challenging or antisocial, and the professionals, peers and carers who support them. We do this by delivering intensive, therapeutic group programmes for young people to explore the root causes of their emotional distress. We also train professionals, parents and carers in how to create nurturing, trauma-informed environments for young people.

It is estimated that 1 in 3 young people will experience a traumatic event by the age of 18 but only a small minority will receive professional support.
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